Sir – Readers of The Oxford Times are entitled to more serious fare than Mr Gray’s abysmal restaurant review last week.

Apparently he visited the venue several months ago and by his own admission the review is based on a ‘murky recollection’ and ‘my notes and Rosemarie’s photographs . . . (which are) . . . too dismally incompetent to reproduce’. Are you serious?

We then get the usual dreary catalogue of what he and Rosemarie selected — but then we’re used to that dull repetitive recipe But when it came to the cheeses apparently his ‘notes’ let him down: ‘Tonne de Maure . . . a Google search reveals nothing of this name’. Any knowledgeable foodie, normally the required qualification for writing restaurant reviews, would know it was Tomme (a well known cheese) and if you’re trying to pose as a gourmet you should at least be able to back up your lack of knowledge by competent research.

Rebecca Jones, Wheatley