BICESTER’S tennis club has netted a lasting legacy from the Olympics in the form of new all-weather courts.

The club won a £30,000 grant from Sport England as part of its Inspired Facilities Fund, which celebrates the London 2012 Games.

Members also raised £15,000, and together, the cash will be spent removing crumbling courts and replacing them with a state-of-the-art, all-weather surface and better fencing at the site in Garth Park, off London Road.

Bicester Tennis Club chairman John Ingram said: “We see the club as a real community facility for Bicester.

“We are delighted to secure this grant as our courts are worn out and we are the only tennis club in the town.

“We are working hard to attract new members – tennis is a fun and active way for people to get together.”

Sport England chairman Richard Lewis, said: “This will create a fantastic sporting legacy for Bicester.”