EVERY pupil at a Witney primary school donned colourful clothes and spent a day creating artwork using their bodies.

Each year Ducklington Primary School youngsters take part in ‘Wow Days’ to launch the term’s topic of study.

This term the pupils will learn about colours and to get them in the mood teachers suggested creating designs on a human scale. More than 170 pupils took part in creating the huge rainbow and then each class created their own art.

The youngsters designed the pieces themselves and the older pupils helped keep the younger ones in place.

Headteacher Sarah Nisbett said: “We start every topic by getting them really excited and doing something a bit different and a bit wacky.

“The importance is that we are studying colours for the whole term.

“One of our teachers suggested making works of art using the children and different coloured shirts. But the children chose what pictures they would like to make.

“Each class had a different colour of shirt for the whole school rainbow and each class made an individual picture.”

“It was a fantastic day and the children just loved it.

“They were so excited to be involved in making something so big.”

Phoebe Licorish, 11, said: “I enjoyed it when we had to plan our class pictures. I enjoyed the team work. The results were amazing.”

Jamie Hardy, 11, said: “It was really thrilling an the results were fantastic – much better than I thought!”

Sapphire Pridsam, also 11, added: “It’s a great way to start a new topic.”

The school organises three ‘Wow Days’ a year and the last event saw each class cook dishes from around the world for a term about food.