Why oh why does Sushila Dhall insist on bringing motorists into her comment regarding Mr Gough, who was mowed down by a speeding inconsiderate cyclist who refused to stop. Yes Ms Dhall, a cyclist who refused to stop at a pedestrian crossing.

Surely, as the chairman of the Pedestrian Association, her concerns should be with the pedestrian who could have died through his injuries he received while using a pedestrian crossing.

I have also been knocked down by a cyclist while on a pedestrian crossing but I made sure he went flying over his handlebars.

So come on then, use your sense and condemn this inconsiderate cyclist and perhaps we will also hear from the cyclist lobby or even a comment from Cllr Tanner, who lobbies for the cyclists.

BRIAN LESTER (One-time member of the OPA) Pegasus Road Blackbird Leys Oxford