DID I dream it or did I hear correctly that the Government is talking of deporting those foreign nationals who, after they have served their prison sentences for crimes committed here, won’t be able to use the Human Rights Act to appeal, arguing that deportation would upset their family life?

I would go one better and deport them whence they came, when convicted, to serve their sentences in their home countries.

The prisons would not be as cushy as ours and it would save the British taxpayer millions every year.

Our Government ministers haven’t a clue about the welfare of those they are there to represent.

If they had the courage to stand up to Europe and the human rights courts and deport these undesirables, then they might regain some confidence from the electorate to make up for the last two years’ cock-ups.

I won’t hold my breath though, instead I can envisage a ‘winter of discontent’ if they continue their silly ways, upsetting everyone.

MICHAEL CLARKE, Lewell Avenue, Old Marston, Oxford