Back in April, Josie Cunningham, a wannabe everything – including glamour model and z-list celebrity (because that’s a career now, apparently) – said that she would consider aborting her unborn child if it guaranteed her a place on Big Brother.

In saying this, Cunningham displayed both a vile lack of moral fibre and, simultaneously, a complete lack of intelligence or social understanding – 93 per cent of Mirror readers who do, let’s face it, likely make up a large proportion of her target market – said that they would boycott Big Brother if the show subsequently went on to involve her.

More recently, Emily Letts – a patient advocate in an abortion clinic – released a Youtube video showing her undergoing an abortion: the video focused on her face as she breathed calmly throughout the short procedure. Letts said her reason for publishing the video was to demystify abortion, to show women and young girls what it really involves so that they may make an ‘informed decision’.

I’m not going to have the pro-life/pro-choice argument here: I once tried having this in a religious education class and was chastised by my teacher for declaring myself pro-abortion, as opposed to using the less loaded term, ‘pro-choice’. I am certainly pro-choice… but with a disclaimer. I believe that a woman’s body is hers and if for whatever reason she does not feel ready or able to bring a child growing inside her into the world then she has the right to terminate the pregnancy.

It is not, however, a thing to be entered into lightly. Instead of squabbling over pro-life versus pro-choice, we would probably all be better to realise women are going to terminate pregnancies one way or another and it’s far better to do it legally and relatively safely. The better focus would be placed on the fact that the right to abortion must not be the same as the right to a capricious or whimsical abortion. Abortion can’t be a method of birth control.

Having spoken with friends and younger females who have undergone an abortion due to their lack of foresight regarding what unprotected sex may involve, I am informed that it is certainly not an easy event, and certainly not lacking in varying degrees of trauma, as Emily Letts has tried to publicise it.