The Insider congratulates Oxford city councillor Patrick Murray on his recent marriage to Olga Ivannikova.

The ceremony was followed by a reception in north Oxfordshire, where the happy couple were joined by friends and family – including some of Mr Murray’s Liberal Democrat council colleagues.

Graham Jones was rumoured to be the disco king, throwing moves into the small hours.

He was run a close second by the group’s former leader David Rundle.

The playlist is believed to have been an eclectic mix of 1980s alternative, punk and hip hop, reflecting Mr Murray’s own tastes.

The unsettling mental image of Lib Dems pogo-ing to the Sex Pistols’ Anarchy in the UK, bearing in mind their man is now in charge of the country for two weeks, is one that will take a long time to erase.

The couple met on the campaign trial in January, the Insider understands.

DAVID Cameron is taking a break from office and enjoying a family holiday in Cornwall. And much has been made of the Witney MP and Prime Minister leaving the country in the hands of Nick Clegg, the first Liberal at Britain’s helm since Lloyd George in 1922.

But was there a cunning plan hatched to keep Mr Clegg on the sidelines?

Reports that Cameron lookalikes are now cleaning up on the after-dinner and event circuits certainly lead The Insider to wonder – it would not be the first time a world leader had employed a double.

Alas, the burning conspiracy was snuffed out when mug shots of leading PM doppelgangers were exposed.

You might be tricked into thinking a couple of them were the real Mr Cameron, providing their appearance followed a particularly boozy dinner (and you were seated near the back).

Labour city councillor Antonia Bance should remember the adage “be careful what you wish for”.

Pleased with the ease of her commute to the capital this month, she tweeted: “Gosh, I wish 1/3 of the commuting workforce were always on holiday, and children didn’t need shuttling to school!”

Millions out of work and no schools to go to?

The Insider has heard that somewhere before.

Oxfordshire is bracing itself to be flooded once again – not by unseasonal rainfall but by council wheelie bins.

Rubbish chiefs in Oxford are refusing to hand back the £20 paid by some residents for a larger bin – despite the bumper containers now being provided free of charge to all.

But they have told disgruntled owners of the bigger bins – “don't fret, you can have two”.

And Vale of White Horse Council delivered 27 new bins to a retirement village in Blewbury, despite being told by the owners they had nowhere to put them.

Let’s hope they can be recycled.