A CONTROVERSIAL £12.5m scheme to improve Headington's roads may soon become a reality after being recommended for approval.

Access to Headington – which will see new cycle lanes, pedestrian crossings, waiting times and parking bays introduced throughout the area – will be considered by cabinet member for transport David Nimmo-Smith on June 9.

It comes after a wave of public opinion forced the county council to reconsider its original scheme, which involved replacing all parking spaces in Headley Way and Windmill Road with cycle lanes and footpaths.

But the second wave of plans, developed after residents complained the removal of on-street parking would encourage drivers to speed up, involve retaining some parking spaces.

Consultation ended on May 23, and Mr Nimmo-Smith will consider waiting restrictions in The Slade, Headley Way and Windmill Road alongside the proposal for parking pays on side streets adjacent to Windmill Road.

The proposed mandatory cycle lane on the east side of Headley Way is also set to be approved, but will be shortened by nine metres between its junction with Bowness Avenue and Snowdon Mede.

Cycle lanes on the west side of Headley Way between the John Radcliffe Hospital junction and Eden Drive are likely to be given the go-ahead in addition to the shared use cycle track in Headley Way.

It is understood timescales will be discussed at the meeting in the County Hall.

If you wish to speak at the meeting phone the Committee Services Team on 01865 815321 before 9am on June 9.

For more information on the recommendation visit: http://bit.ly/1XSaqjj